found artists: elle luna

last week during the school day my mom sent me a short email; its subject being: "check her out. i think you'll like her".
linked in the email were 3 links to different posts on an artist that my mom had discovered. her name is elle luna. i read the linked posts from start to finish and instantly fell in love with her work.

elle's not just amazing because of her incredible artistic talents, but because of the message that she's sending to others.

one of the links from my mom's email that really stood out to me was the post that elle had written on medium about having to face choosing between should and must.

in this current context, it might make no sense at all... should? must? why would we have to talk about these things? how are they any different from one another?

in her post, elle talks about those differences, and how must is far superior than should because when you choose must, you're choosing to be "your truest, and most authentic self" (as she puts it).

i think that this constant weighing between them not only relates to me, but to a lot of other teens my age. it's just this jumble of teenage feelings, and worries, and hormones, and this persistent fear of being able to "fit in", as we put it, that makes choosing either should or must so difficult.

i can relate to her a lot. i think she's my new role model.

have a great rainy day, everyone.

Posted on October 11, 2014 and filed under this was found.